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FAQs When Seeking Redress In Your Truck Accident Case

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You're entitled to a settlement if you suffer injuries, or your vehicle gets damaged in a truck accident. Yet, the settlement will likely not come easy. You'll deal with various parties, and they are likely to evade taking responsibility. Nonetheless, the case facts determine whether you will seek payment from the driver, truck company, or commercial vehicle owner. You can expect each of these parties to have their lawyers fighting on their behalf with the aim of sparing them from paying out the money. Hiring a lawyer comes in handy because they assist you in fighting back rigorously. Here are answers to questions you may have when navigating a trucking accident case. 

How Can Liability Be Determined? 

Since accountability for truck accidents does not often fall on only one party like in an accident between two personal vehicles, you will require a lawyer's help to ascertain the various liable parties and how much they should pay. So whether accountability lies with the driver, their company, or the manufacturer, your attorney will get to the root of the matter. Responsibility is determined by the facts and circumstances of the incident. Unfortunately, the trucking business and their insurance provider may be inclined to blame you so that they can pay less or nothing at all. As such, you'll need an attorney to fight this battle because they are aware of the potential pitfalls.

Is it Advisable to Accept the First Compensation Offer?

If the insurance providers investigating the accident verify that you weren't liable, they may decide to work together to offer a minimal payment. This can be tempting to accept, particularly if you haven't sought legal counsel and are therefore uncertain about whether there'll be another offer forthcoming. In many cases, you are advised not to accept such an offer, even if it seems fair. There's still a chance that the insurance carriers are working to protect their bottom line. Instead, get an attorney to review the offer and your case in its entirety and chart a way forward.

How Will the Attorney Help?

The attorney implements various strategies so that the client's claim is not denied. First, they conduct an independent investigation and thoroughly review all the details related to your case. They also track down witnesses and conduct independent interviews. Once this is done, they file the case and submit all the relevant documents within the set timeline. They do all these while also ensuring you get the medical care required to heal.

When the case is presented, and the insurance providers receive the paperwork, they may decide to settle. Your legal practitioner will negotiate with the offenders' insurance carriers to help you get a favorable settlement. In the event that the negotiations don't go as expected, the case will likely proceed to trial, where your lawyer will represent you.

Having an attorney on your side following a truck accident is invaluable. Thus, hire an auto accident lawyer at the first possible opportunity to safeguard your chances of getting fair compensation.

To find out more, contact a company like The Law Office of Michael Faber.
