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Three Uncommon Defenses To Personal Injury Accusations

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If your negligent acts cause an injury to another person, then it doesn’t follow that you will be automatically held liable for the damages. There are defenses you can use to escape blame. Here are three uncommon ones: Respondeat Superior Respondeat Superior is a Latin phrase that means “let the master answer.” It is used in situations where the employer (master) is held responsible for the wrongful acts of an employee (agent). Read More»

Can You Sue An Online Dating Service If You're Assaulted Or Stalked By A Date With A Criminal Past?

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If you’re single and still looking for that special someone, you can probably expect a few bad dates before your find your Prince (or Princess) Charming. But if you have a really bad date, can you hold the dating website you used to meet your date responsible for negligence? Several pending lawsuits are seeking to do just that. Do Dating Websites Have A Responsibility To Protect You From Online Dating Dangers? Read More»

Interviewing Personal Injury Attorneys? Make Sure You Ask These 2 Revealing Questions

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Interviewing personal injury attorneys can kind of feel like you are out on a blind date. Your interview is peppered with questions such as, ‘Where did you go to college?’, ‘When did you graduate?’, ‘How long have you worked as a personal injury attorney?’, and ‘Are you interested in my case?’ These questions, just like a blind date, can leave you feeling like you still don’t know that much about the person, or the lawyer you’re interviewing, even though they answered all of your questions. Read More»