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Three Tips For Helping The Jury Understand Your Pain And Suffering After A Motorcycle Accident

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If you’ve been severely injured in a motorcycle accident, at some point you will likely testify about the effect that your injuries have had on all aspects of your life. How effective you are at describing the aftermath of your accident can heavily influence not only how the jury feels about your case but how much the jury determines your pain and suffering is worth.  How do you make an effective case for pain and suffering? Read More»

What Do You Have To Prove To File A Wrongful Death Claim?

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In a wrongful death case, there are certain elements that must be proven before an insurance company is willing to pay a claim. Unfortunately, the fact that your loved one died is not enough. If you are planning to file a wrongful death claim with an insurance company, it is important to understand the elements you must prove. There Was Negligence Wrongful death cases fall under personal injury law. A key element that must be proven in all personal injury cases is that there was some act of negligence that led to an injury or death. Read More»

Answering A Few Basic Questions About Wrongful Death Cases

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When another party is responsible for the death of one of your loved ones, it is important for you to pursue justice. However, if the death was the result of an accident, your options for justice may be limited to filing a wrongful death lawsuit. While this can be a highly effective way of getting monetary compensation from the party responsible, it can be common for the survivors in these cases to be fairly uninformed about taking legal action. Read More»

Four Things To Do To Make Your Desk A Safe Work Space

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If you work a desk job, you may believe that you are immune to work related injuries. However, sitting and working on a computer for hours at a time can result in a plethora of injuries, including eye strain, carpel tunnel syndrome, and back pain. Making a few simple changes to your desk ensures your work area is conducive to productivity rather than injuries. 1. Reconsider how you type. Repetitive movements, such as those associated with computer tasks, are a contributing factor for carpel tunnel syndrome. Read More»

Maintain Your Tires To Prevent Auto Accidents

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An estimated 20 to 50 million people are injured or disabled in automobile accidents each year. Finding ways to reduce your chances of being involved in an accident is essential if you spend a significant amount of time on the road. Although many drivers think that investing in a defensive driving course or remaining more vigilant behind the wheel is enough to prevent an accident, mechanical failure can also be a major contributor to an automobile accident. Read More»

Proving An Injury Claim Against A Negligent Landlord

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How do you get your landlord to compensate you when their negligence injures you? Just as with other personal injury cases, there are several things you will have to prove. Using an example of an injury in a laundry room, here are the major points you have to prove: Maintain the Laundry Room Was the Landlord’s Responsibility The first thing you need to establish is that your landlord was responsible for maintaining and keeping the laundry room secure. Read More»

Don't Snooze And Lose: Contact A Personal Injury Attorney Immediately After An Accident

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After you’ve been involved in an accident, the first thing you’re going to do is make sure you and everyone involved in the accident are safe. If you’re injured, you need to seek medical treatment. The next most important thing is to speak to a personal injury lawyer. Many people tend to put speaking to an attorney off – similar to the way they put off medical treatment – until it is absolutely necessary. Read More»

Avoiding Semi Truck Accidents

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When you are out on the road this summer, you are maneuvering in a limited space for a safe position between the lines. This process is complicated by the number of big trucks you will meet out on the highways. A collision with a semi is one of the most dangerous things that can happen to you when you are traveling. You can take some simple steps to avoid these accidents and to protect yourself if you are involved in a collision. Read More»

Mediation: How It Works And Whether An Attorney Is Necessary

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If you have been injured in a car accident and are interested in pursing legal action (or you already have), then you may be wondering if there is any way possible to avoid the costs and lengthy duration of a trial. Luckily, there is: mediation.  What Exactly Is Mediation and How Does It Work? Mediation is one of the several programs that are available for resolving disputes. Mediation helps individuals who are unable to come to an agreement on their own stay out of the courtroom while working out their legal issues. Read More»

Why You Should Watch What You Say After An Auto Accident

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Your insurance company, auto accident lawyer, and friends are likely going to remind you to be certain that you watch what you say after you are involved in an auto accident, regardless of whether it was your fault or not. These people are reminding you to essentially keep your opinions about the auto accident as neutral as possible. There are a few reasons why you should try to not talk too much about the accident until you speak to your insurance company and the police. Read More»